Red Bull
Miharu Murai

CoMotion is a student-led motion graphics conference at the Savannah College of Art and Design. 2.5D is centered around the idea of 2.5 dimensional space. This design language embodies the essence of motion graphics through its fluid and flexible nature. Within this boundless space, we were able to reflect upon our innovative and experimental field that keeps pushing us to evolve. Join us to embrace and celebrate the limitless possibilities of what we can achieve with Motion Media.
CoMotion 2022 Website:
Initial Design:
Miharu Murai, Yu Xin King, Yorlie Avila
Creative Director: Miharu Murai
Art Director: Yu Xin King
Producer: Mel Petzoldt, Matt Paulsen
Lead Designer: Yorlie Avila
Lead Graphic Designer: Weiqian Han
Lead Animator: Desmond Du
Lead 3D Animator: Olivia Trotter
Lead Graphic Designer: Weiqian Han
Designers: Auralee Mayfield, Isabella Jean Ranci Ortigosa, Antara Ghosh, Tiffany Lo, Yuwei Liu
Animators: Greg Markman, DaAe Kim, Cathy Lin, Jun Zhou, Marly Koven, Brenda Chen, Wanyi Ma
Graphic Designers: Alyssa Kalbus, Aanvik Singh, Josie Glassman, Krista Miller, Bella Shih
Experiential: Riley Carson, Priscilla Quek
Sound: Michael Karaman, Alwyn Tay
Website: Andrew Goodridge, Varun Khatri
Documentary: Samantha Woods, Haze Nguyen, Sigourney Alden
Special thanks
MOMELove, Our Professors, SCAD Motion Media
Kelly Carlton, Duff Yong, Alexandra Marca, Kaleb Sweeney, Marybeth Morgan
Style Frames
Designed by Miharu Murai, Yu Xin King, Yorlie Avila
our amazing Designers Auralee Mayfield, Isabella Jean Ranci Ortigosa, Antara Ghosh, Tiffany Lo, Yuwei Liu.

Behind the Scenes :)
Since I was the creative director of this year's CoMotion, I would like to take you all to the behind the scene and show how I managed to lead over 30 talented students.
Every year in the Motion Media Department, students pitch their idea for CoMotion and I’ve decided to pitch with my talented friends King and Yorlie. As we began developing our idea 2.5D on September 21st 2021 and we met every 2 to 3 weeks for about a month to compile our pitch. I will treasure the time I've spent with them forever:)
Initial Pitch (pdf)
Reaction Video (be careful with the volume...)

After taking more than 4 hours to decide the members for this year's branding team, we made multiple pitch decks to keep the style consistent. The production started rolling with all the team members as winter break started. The challenge for me was since I went back home to Japan, there was a 14 hour time difference from Savannah. I’ve made my own available calendar based on EST time zone to keep the communication as smooth as possible along with deliverable and meeting schedule.

As you can see, meetings were mostly midnight to early in the morning for me during winter break.....

During the pre-production, the designers and graphic designers had a lot to work on to pass along to the animators. This is a sheet I made for the designers where they can check their status and percentage to see how much more work they need to do. It also helped us to keep things organized.

"It's Fine..." (design lead)

Giving notes was very time consuming since we weren’t meeting in person. Here are some notes I gave to the team during the production. I used my ipad and photoshop to directly point out what needs to be fixed since a lot of us are visual learners. I also sometimes added some small drawings to cheer up the team!!

Designed by Tiffany
Designed by Yuwei (Momo)

Designed by Krista
Designed by Anvik

Designed by Yorlie
Designed by King
King and I got addicted to checklists as the production got busier and tighter, this is one of the check lists we had. Managing and giving notes mostly everyday to about 6-7 teams was difficult sometimes but we had a very kind hearted producer Matt that would remind us to give feedback.

Since SCAD was fully on ground, we had the advantage to reserve rooms (at Monty) to work in person during the end of the production while we were cranking up the title sequence. Thanks to our producer Mel for making this cool sign!!!! Thank you for being so caring and supportive producer.

Here are some funny/Chaotic sleep deprived directors trying to get work done.

Out of so hundreds of messages from Slack, here are some highlights.

Can't thank enough to the amount of care and support we got from our lead animator Desmond.
He has made the best Logo Animation I can ask for and is definitely the CoMotion god:)
(it's his 4th time being in the branding team)
He helped us a lot to lead this CoMotion successfully. Big thank you to Desmond!!

We were definitely crazy with using emoji's to react our teams amazing works.
Here's a small prank we did to our producer Matt lol
Apparently the max emoji you can use is 23....

As much as I want to post everything we've worked on and showcase the work,I would need to create a whole another website.
I think everyone in the branding team has posted what they've worked for this production in their portfolio.
I did do everything along with the Art Director King, especially by giving notes and helping to finalize a lot of the deliverables but also I couldn't do anything without everyones talent in the team. Once again, BIG thank you to the branding team everyone who helped and supported us to make this CoMotion 2022 happen.
Seeing how much the team members have grown and improved was definitely the privilege I had as being the creative director.
I hope this behind the scenes lol will also help and inspire the future directors for CoMotion!!